I kept on going...
Step by step...
One step at a time...
Without looking back...
Without thinking what lay ahead...
No one I followed...
No one I lead...
Nothing I heard...
Nothing I said...
Sometimes I was slow...
Sometimes I sped...
The journey is all that matters to me...
I care not what awaits me in destiny...
I will keep going on and on...
On the mysterious path unknown...
Someday the truth may itself unveil...
Till then I will try even if I shall fail...
Life is a long, unending, arduous trail...
"Priyanka Mor"
Step by step...
One step at a time...
Without looking back...
Without thinking what lay ahead...
No one I followed...
No one I lead...
Nothing I heard...
Nothing I said...
Sometimes I was slow...
Sometimes I sped...
The journey is all that matters to me...
I care not what awaits me in destiny...
I will keep going on and on...
On the mysterious path unknown...
Someday the truth may itself unveil...
Till then I will try even if I shall fail...
Life is a long, unending, arduous trail...
"Priyanka Mor"
I kept on going...
Step by step...
One step at a time...
Without looking back...
Without thinking what lay ahead...
No one I followed...
No one I lead...
Nothing I heard...
Nothing I said...
Sometimes I was slow...
Sometimes I sped...
The journey is all that matters to me...
I care not what awaits me in destiny...
I will keep going on and on...
On the mysterious path unknown...
Someday the truth may itself unveil...
Till then I will try even if I shall fail...
Life is a long, unending, arduous trail...
"Priyanka Mor"