
35 Surefire Ways to Kill a Meeting


1. Play "track down the gathering" by changing the area and season of your gathering without a second to spare.
2. Try not to book your gathering room ahead of time. Lead the gathering from one space to another attempting to track down somewhere else to meet.
3. Bring 5 freebees for 20 participants.
4. Leave and say, "I'll be back. I will make presents."
5. Try not to utilize a plan since "everyone knows why we are here."
6. Keep a demeanor that "gatherings are not work."

     "Gatherings are irreplaceable when you would rather do nothing. "
    - John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )

7. Say "I needn't bother with a mouthpiece" and continue to holler for the whole gathering or talk too delicately so that the rear of the room might be able to hear.
8. Join two inconsequential gatherings into one major gathering, guaranteeing that around 50% of the gathering won't think often about portion of the gathering.

    "Soufflé is surprisingly significant. Assuming men ate soufflé before gatherings, life could be very different."
    Jacques Baeyens, French delegate general in New York City

9. Try not to serve food during a noon meeting.
10. Play "track down a seat" toward the start of the gathering because of deficient seating.
11. Permit individuals to bring dynamic pagers and PDAs and stop the gathering when one goes off.
12. Utilize visual guides nobody can see without optics.
13. At the point when you are done, continue going on the grounds that the gathering was planned to take more time.
14. Welcome Bozo the Facilitator to lead your gathering.
15. Invest energy attempting to recall what occurred at the last gathering.
16. Invest energy quarreling over what occurred at the last gathering.
17. Decline to take "disconnected" discussions disconnected.
18. Neglect to require minutes and trail not too far behind the gathering.
19. Disband without summing up the gathering.
20. Begin once again each time a newbie shows up.

    Kindly email your number one "meeting executioners" to john@thegravittgroup.com.

21. Talk in "letter set soup" and other language the vast majority don't have any idea.
22. Declare that somebody will join by telephone call and take as much time as necessary while you set up the hardware.
23. Begin with a conciliatory sentiment like "sorry to get everything rolling late" or "I realize you can't understand this, yet… "
24. Neglect to settle on the motivation behind the gathering.
25. Go throughout the dispensed time.
26. Volunteer non-attendant colleagues and neglect to inform them regarding their tasks.

    "A movement to dismiss is generally all together. "
    - Robert A. Heinlein

27. Plan a long gathering. Anything more than an hour and a half is excessively lengthy for most gatherings.

    "All things considered, an undertaking supervisor burns through 8 years of their lifetime in gatherings. "
    - Vijay Verma

28. Welcome some unacceptable individuals to the gathering.
29. Neglect to welcome individuals who ought to go to the gathering.
30. Permit "monopolizers" to destroy the gathering.
31. Address intrigue as opposed to communicate. Use words like "use" when you intend to actually say "use" and "upgrade" when you want to actually say "move along".
32. Come ill-equipped. Neglect to make arrangements for a fruitful gathering.
33. Understand plan and presents in exactly the same words to the members.
34. Keep members in obscurity about their parts in the gathering.
35. Continue to do what you've generally done despite the fact that you realize you've had "blemished gatherings" previously.

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