
Are You at Risk of Missing a Networking Opportunity?


I have an admission to make. Recently I was loading up
on necessities at my neighborhood grocery store when I came face to
face with Duggie, who I haven't seen for quite a long time. We went
through all the - "How are you, what have you been doing,
what're you doing now" sort of stuff.

Duggie then, at that point, says - "Alan, might I at any point have a couple of your
business cards in the event that I really want to reach out and to pass to

Presently, I'm continuously irritating others about never leaving
home without business cards. Don't for even a moment take out the trash
without a business card in your pocket. Furthermore, think about what - I
had no business cards to provide for Duggie.

He then, at that point, lets me know that he was at a Supper the past
night and he met a few new contacts - notwithstanding, he'd likewise
failed to remember his business cards. Duggie has his own business
also, he's continuously searching for new clients.

So let me say it once more (and I'm additionally conversing with myself) -
never, never, never venture out from home without business cards. Don't
indeed, even dig the nursery, wash the vehicle or visit the store
without business cards.

There's generally an opportunity that you'll meet somebody who says -
"Also, what do you do?" or "It's ages since I've seen you,
what kind of business would you say you are in at this point?"

Know - new clients and clients are the backbone of
any business so ensure you never pass up on an open door to

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